06:55:24 CDT - Sep.12.2024

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Website Projects Advice PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Often times, I received phone calls from prospective clients about their website projects. One particular one is that he already has a website, but just has a lot of things he wanted to get done on the website - he wanted to do google traffic analytics, shopping carts, style sheet enhancements, search engine optimization, capitalizing on the traffic on his blog, google ad sense to make some income, etc, etc. I told him that these are all good feature enhancements we can help you achieve for your website, but we need to organize our thoughts better in the first place. Let's itemize each feature and come up with a list of things and prioritize all these features. Further more, he has a very limited budget. So we have to plan together and use it to the most urgent feature first. Eventually we come up with a very well thought-out plan and it also fits his budget. The project came out very good, we have another happy client!
Virtuemart Operation Aborted Issue in IE PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Virtuemart has an "Operation Aborted" problem in IE. It does not happen in Firefox browser. This issue was caused by IE. The new IE8 does not have this problem. The fix will be included in Virtuemart 1.4, in the meantime, the patch can be download at here. More about this topic can be found in the forum.
FireBoard Display Issue PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
The FireBoard component has display issues if default template is not used. If, let's say, choose a grey default template, the icon images are not available, hence displaying the "X" and messed up the whole layout. The solution is to copy the default/images/english/ folder to default_grey/images/english. Then all the icon images are available and the messed-up display of the forum is fixed.
Module Class Suffix - What is it? PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   

In a custom template css, sometimes there are definitions like this:

div.module-shopbox {background: url('/../images/bg_shop.gif') repeat-y top; color:#FFFFFF; width:195px; margin:0 1px; margin-bottom:10px;}

Note the suffix "-shopbox" is appended to "module". This often means that in the setting of this module, "-shopbox" must be set to the "Module Class Suffix" of this module. In this case, this module is refered to "VirtueMart". So we need to set it in order for VirtueMart Module to display properly according to the custom template css.


If the home page does not display properly, use "Ctrl-U" in firefox to read the source of the home page, and search for the keyword that is mislaid out. Then find the styling ids that control the style of the keyword, and trace back to which module this keyword is referring to. And also check the template css to find the corresponding style id to help identify the module in question. Then set the suffix according if needed. Then, viola!

HP Pavilion Elite m9450t Desktop Issues PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   

It looks like HP computer's quality is really going downhill. The graphics card NVIDIA GeForce 9500GS that the brand new desktop comoputer HP Pavilion Elite m9450t uses is making a lot of grinding noise intermittently. We are talking about a brand new computer only used for less than 2 months. I eventually figured out where the noise was coming from and why. The graphics card has a mini fan. The fan housing has several screws to hold the mini fan. Because the space is tight, a slight tilt of the unperfect vertically screwed assembly will block the fan's spinng path, hence creating the loud noise. I called the HP customer care (24x7) in India, which will take 3 hours or more to go through, asking me to turn off the computer, disemble all the cables, all wires conntected to the computer, take the card out, clean off the dust of the fan, put it back in, plug in all the power cables, turn it on, and still making noise, then got transfered to a hardware specialist, saying this is a recalled item, sending me a replacement.... The ordeal goes on and on... with my previous experience with the "HP Care", they sent me wrong part, and do all these over again... Here is a bunch of links about Nvidia recall.


Taking this graphics card out is very tricky! There is a hidden lock underneath the PCI socket that locks the card into the socket. The lock is out of sight so if you never touched this before, you will not be able to pull this card out. You will pull one side of the card out of the socket, and the other side remains in the slot. If you forcefully pull it out, it could damage the motherboard. So be very careful. The lock is beneath the card, attached to the slot socket. So just use your finger to go underneath the card and push black tip side ways, then it will unlock the card.

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