18:48:42 CST - Feb.12.2025

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Module Class Suffix - What is it? PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   

In a custom template css, sometimes there are definitions like this:

div.module-shopbox {background: url('/../images/bg_shop.gif') repeat-y top; color:#FFFFFF; width:195px; margin:0 1px; margin-bottom:10px;}

Note the suffix "-shopbox" is appended to "module". This often means that in the setting of this module, "-shopbox" must be set to the "Module Class Suffix" of this module. In this case, this module is refered to "VirtueMart". So we need to set it in order for VirtueMart Module to display properly according to the custom template css.


If the home page does not display properly, use "Ctrl-U" in firefox to read the source of the home page, and search for the keyword that is mislaid out. Then find the styling ids that control the style of the keyword, and trace back to which module this keyword is referring to. And also check the template css to find the corresponding style id to help identify the module in question. Then set the suffix according if needed. Then, viola!


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